Prof. Dr. Ingo Wagner
Seit dem 01.02.2024 an der Universität Freiburg tätig / Working at the University of Freiburg since 02/01/2024
Academic Vita
Ingo Wagner studied at the University of Cologne, at the German Sport University and at the Sorbonne Université (Paris). His teacher training covered the subjects of mathematics, physical education, philosophy and pedagogy. He was then a guest lecturer at the University of Brighton (UK), worked as a teacher at various types of schools and conducted further training for school leaders, administrators and teachers. He worked as a research assistant at the German Sport University, first at the Institute for School Sport and School Development, later at the Institute for Sociology and Gender Research. Since 2018, Ingo Wagner has been Chair of "Interdisciplinary Didactics of STEM Subjects and Physical Education" at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He has already been offered to hold 6 professoral chairs at various universities.
- Lernort-Labor-Preis (engl. Learning-Lab-Award) in the category "STEM Education of Teachers" 2023 (2nd place)
- Teaching Award of the KIT faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 2022
- The STEM-education program "MINT in Bewegung" was awarded as "MINTrocket" 2022 (for I. Wagner and S. Neher-Asylbekov)
- Lernort-Labor-Preis (engl. Learning-Lab-Award) in the category "STEM Education of Teachers" 2020 (2nd place; for S. Syskowski, O. Kunina-Habenicht, M. Ducci and I. Wagner)
- Karl-Hofmann Prize for Outstanding Dissertations 2017 (1st place)
- dvs Young Scientists Award 2013 (1st place)
- Teaching Award of the German Sport University Cologne 2011 (3rd place; for M. Arndt, H. Leineweber and I. Wagner)
- Scholarship of the Study Foundation Rheinfrieden
- Scholarship of the German Sport University Cologne
- Scholarship of the DAAD
- Erasmus scholarship
- German Street Basketball Champion (3x3)
- Holder of the Sports Honours Award and the Sports Medal of the Home City
Research areas
The aim of Ingo Wagner's research is to shape the future of education through innovative perspectives. The central starting point for this is his research on didactic designs of teaching-learning processes in order to further develop teacher training in the course of studies, in teacher traineeships and in schools.
In this context, one research focus lies on interdisciplinary school and teaching research in the STEM subjects and physical education. New possibilities for interdisciplinary didactics are explored, for example through work on strengthening the digitization of educational processes (e.g. 360° videos, virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence).
At the meta-level, he researches fascinating transformation processes in the educational system, such as digitization, sustainability, interdisciplinarity, curriculum implementation, gender and inclusion.
Close, participative integration with leaders in the educational system and with teachers from the practical world takes place together with external cooperation partners. This is based on school practice-related, research-oriented teaching and own offers for students in teaching-learning laboratories.
Innovations resulting from this work are presented regularly at scientific and knowledge transfer conferences.
DiäS |
KuMuS-ProNeD |
MINT in Bewegung (engl. STEM in Motion) |
MINT Bewegt Nachhaltig |
IT Mission |
Inspiring Girls for Computer Science: Phase 2 - Virtual Settings as New Opportunities |
Curriculum development (STEM & Physical Education) in Luxembourg |
MINTbewegt |
digiMINT |
digiLAB |
Inspiring Girls for Computer Science |
Schulfach Sport 2020 |
Safe Sport |
Sport der medialen Moderne |
Sportberatung im Ganztag (SBiG) |
Sport in der gymnasialen Oberstufe |
Sport als viertes Abiturfach |
Schulsportevaluation (SSE) |
Selbstevaluation in Schulen (SEIS) |
Bachelor's and Master's theses are welcome to be supervised, please contact Ingo Wagner by e-mail with first ideas or general topic ideas.