2005-2006 Traineeship at primary and secondary school Hainstadt |
2006-2010 Teacher primary and secondary school Hardheim |
2007-2009 Diploma in Pedagogy, PH Heidelberg |
2009-2010 Member of the school management team at GHWRS Hardheim |
2009-2010 Lecturer at the State Seminar for Didactics and Teacher Training Bad Mergentheim |
2010-2013 PhD scholarship of the State of Baden-Württemberg, PH Heidelberg, Institute of Educational Science, School Pedagogy |
2014 – 2020 Research Associate, University of Heidelberg, Institute of Education |
2018-2019 Consultant at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport Baden-Württemberg |
2019-2020 Research Associate, Heidelberg School of Education |
2020-2023 Junior Professor of School Pedagogy, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
Since 2023 Professor of School Pedagogy, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
publications (selection)
Sliwka, A.; Klopsch, B.; Dumont, H. (2022). Konstruktive Unterstützung. Reihe ‚Wirksamer Unterricht‘. Band 3. Institut für Bildungsanalysen Baden-Württemberg: Stuttgart. (2.Auflage)
Sliwka, A.; Klopsch, B. (2022). Deeper Learning. Die Pädagogik des digitalen Zeitalters. Beltz Verlag: Weinheim.
Klopsch, B. (2022). Lesson Study - Unterrichtsentwicklung durch gemeinsame Beobachtung und Beurteilung von Lehr-Lernprozessen. Zeitschrift Seminar 3/2022, Beobachtung und Beurteilung von Lehr-Lernprozessen, S.102-115.
Sliwka, A. & Klopsch, B. (2022). Bildung. In: Neu, C. & Wagner, C. (Hrsg.) Handbuch Daseinsvorsorge. VKU Verlag: Berlin, S.116-125.
Sliwka, A.; Klopsch, B.; Batarilo-Henschen, K. (2022). Wellbeing als Bildungsauftrag der Schule „nach Corona“? Ein Blick nach Kanada und Neuseeland und seine Implikationen für Deutschland. In: Bogner, D. & Harant, M. (Hg.). Bildung und Achtsamkeit – Theorie und Praxis des Kontemplativen im Bildungsprozess. Wiesbaden: Springer VS., S.201-222.
Klopsch, B.; Gutbrod, J. (2022). Skip or captain? The changing perception of school management and leadership in Germany. International Journal of Educational Administration, Management, and Leadership, 3(2), S.55-66. https://doi.org/10.51629/ijeamal.v3i2.90
Klopsch, B.; Reschke, K.; Sliwka, A. (2022) Reference-norm based perceptions of students and teachers in Germany, Canada, and Finland. In: Christou, T.; Kruschel, R., Merz-Atalik, K. (Hg.). European Perspectives on Inclusive Education in Canada: Critical Comparative Insights. Routledge: New York.
Klopsch, B.; Rohlfs. C. (2022) Schulbezogene Einstellungen von Kindern aus bildungsfernen Milieus in der Corona-Pandemie. Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung 10.1007/s35834-022-00333-x
Klopsch, B.; Sliwka, A.; Gutbrod, J. (2022). Gesucht: Neue Kommunikationskultur an der Schule. Kooperative Professionalität leben und tragfähige Kommunikations- und Kooperationsstrukturen etablieren. In: Praxiswissen SchulLeitung Grundschule, 81.24, S.1-10.
Klopsch, B.; Sliwka, A. (2022) Von der Ko-Existenz zur Ko-Konstruktion: Kooperative Professionalität unter Lehrkräften. Zeitschrift Seminar 1/2022: Lehrkräftebildung: Komplexität erleben, Stabilität gewinnen, Haltung zeigen, S.59-74.
Sliwka, A.; Klopsch, B. (2022). Schule in Kanada. In: Harring, M.; Rohlfs, C.; Gläser-Zikuda, M. (Hg.). Handbuch Schulpädagogik. Neuauflage. Waxmann: Münster, S. 263-70.
Klopsch, B. (2022). Die 4K – Kompetenzen für Lehrkräfte? Pädagogische Führung, 3/2022, S.99-101.
Kling, J.; Klopsch, B.; Sliwka, A. (2022). Herausforderung Schule. Individuelle Förderung zu Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie. In: Breyer-Mayländer, Th., Müller, A., Rahmenführer, K., Zerres, C. (Hrsg.). Die Corona-Transformation. Krisenmanagement und Zukunftsperspektiven in Wirtschaft, Kultur und Bildung. Springer Nature: Heidelberg, S.465-477.
Klopsch, B.; Sliwka, A. (2022). Deeper Learning – Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Demokratie. In: Beutel, W.; Gloe, M.; Himmelmann, G.; Reinhardt, V..; Seifert, A. (Hrsg.). Handbuch Demokratiepädagogik. Wochenschau Verlag: Frankfurt, S.194-202.
Klopsch, B. (2022). Kulturschule leben. Erfahrungen in der Stadt und auf dem Land. Kulturelle Bildung online. https://www.kubi-online.de/artikel/kulturschule-leben-entwicklungen-stadt-dem-land
Cultural Schools Baden-Württemberg
In today's knowledge society, in which occupational fields are constantly changing, it is increasingly necessary to prepare students to deal creatively with their knowledge. Learners need an appropriate attitude in order to be able to tackle things, to have positive (learning) experiences and to develop not only cognitively but also physically, emotionally and socially.
Cultural schools support this to a great extent. They deliberately distance themselves from a one-sided understanding of school, which focuses only on cognitive an economic needs dimensions of learning processes.
Cultural schools offer both teachers and learners comprehensive opportunities to make aesthetic experiences. All participants are addressed and "engaged" in their personality. They learn with high self-efficacy conviction and motivation. The learning processes thus have a more sustainable effect.
The research project 'Kulturschule Baden-Württemberg' examines teaching in cultural schools. The aim is to develop a cultural-aesthetic methodology and didactics that helps all schools to approach cultural-aesthetic teaching-learning processes in artistic and non-artistic subjects.
Research period is 2021-2023. The project is funded by Karl Schlecht Foundation, Stiftung Mercator and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, Baden-Württemberg.
Professional capital of teachers in international comparison
Professional capital of teachers in international comparison Professional capital is still relatively new as a term in the German school systems and is rarely used. Capital refers to resources that people can draw on to act successfully in certain situations. The professional capital of teachers consists of individual skills, abilities and knowledge, cooperation with each other and the ability to make decisions. Following the educational researchers Prof. Dr. Andy Hargreaves and Prof. Dr. Michael Fullan, these three sub-areas are described as human capital, social capital and decision capital.
The present project takes an international perspective and investigates forms of the professional capital of teachers in Germany (Baden-Württemberg), Japan, Finland and Ethiopia. The aim is to show to what extent the three different types of capital are present among teachers, to what extent they are interwoven and which cultural differences shape the school systems. The aim of the project is to develop recommendations for teachers in the different systems in order to change the cooperative professionalism, individual and team-based lesson planning and the self-efficacy of teachers.
Research period is 2017-2022. Project partners are Prof. Dr. Hiroyuki Kuno, University of Nagoya, Japan, Dr. Toshyia Chichibu, National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Tokyo, Japan, Dr. Matti Rautiainen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, Dr. Emma Kostiainen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland and Prof. Dr. Ephrem Tekle, Kotebe Metropolitan University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Deeper Learning Pedagogy in German schools
Learning in the 21st century is increasingly understood as 'deeper learning', i.e. learning that goes beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge and aims to enable the ability to act and solve problems on the basis of sound knowledge.
The pedagogical concept "Deeper Learning" takes up current empirical findings on effective learning processes and synthesizes them anew in order to optimally support learners in their personality development (identity), the acquisition of in-depth specialist knowledge (mastery) and the creative action-oriented handling of it (creativity). The core element is the interweaving of (inter-)disciplinary knowledge acquisition with co-constructive, co-creative problem-solving processes. Learning takes place in hybrid learning environments from school, extracurricular and digital environments. Important is the authenticity of the learning outcomes, combined with formative performance feedback. The framework of such a complex learning process is the cooperative professionalism of the teachers on the basis of which learners are involved as equal knowledge partners ("co-agents").
The aim of this project is to carry this innovation into eight selected pioneer schools and to develop together with them in an innovation network "next practice", i.e. contemporary teaching according to the pedagogy of deeper learning.
Research period is 2020-2024. Project partner is Prof. Dr. Anne Sliwka, University of Heidelberg.